Friday, May 28, 2010

Top 5 Remodeling Headaches to Avoid

Whether you’re adding a room to accommodate an expanding family or remodeling to increase value, home renovations can be one of the best investments you make, especially in today’s economy. The key to a successful remodel, however, is knowing what mistakes to avoid.

As a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, I have advised many clients on what renovations will offer the best return on their investment and pay dividends when the time comes to sell their home.

According to a Consumer Reports poll, the most popular remodeling projects for homeowners are kitchens (19%) and bathrooms (17%). In another survey, however, Consumer Reports asked 6,000 readers to reveal what went wrong when they remodeled their kitchens and baths and how much those mistakes added to the overall cost of their projects. Here's how to avoid their mistakes and save:

1.Don't rush in. Changing plans is the most common, but costliest remodeling gaffe. Be sure to leave time for research and create a comprehensive plan, listing every product.
2.Prepare for the unexpected. There's a lot going on behind the walls. Unexpected water damage was an issue with 17% of bathroom remodels, while structural problems caused headaches for 10% of kitchen projects. A good contractor will be able to anticipate such problems, allowing the homeowner to budget accordingly.
3.Don't chase the “low ball.” Contractors are lowering their profit margins due to the tight market, but they often make up their costs in labor or other areas. Readers who went for “low-ball” pricing ended up spending a median of $1,500 extra for labor on their kitchens and $1,000 extra on their bathrooms. Don't sign a contract with a lot of open-ended amounts for products and materials—these are called "allowances," in contractor speak.
4.Get the paperwork in order. Have the contractor attach copies of his or her up-to-date license, insurance, and workers' compensation policies to the written contract. He or she should also get permits and provide a lien waiver when the job is done; this will keep suppliers from contacting the homeowner for unpaid bills.
5.Focus on the boring bits. Specifying lighting and placement of trash cans are not much fun, but are critical to the process. For example, the proper exhaust fan will prevent mildew in baths and vent odors in kitchens.

Following the above advice will help ensure a successful—and profitable—remodel. For more information or for contractor referrals, please e-mail me. And please forward this email on to anyone you know in the midst of remodeling—don’t let them make these same mistakes!


Anthony Crecco & Joanne Ricciardella
Crecco Real Estate
Office: 914-449-6547
Mobile: 914-469-1861


The Top 5 Pitfalls of Selling Your Own Home

While it is certainly understandable why some people would like to avoid paying a real estate agent’s commission—especially in today’s economy—homeowners need to be aware of the serious pitfalls that can occur before they embark on the process of selling their own home.

As a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, I, along with my team, have had many clients enlist my services after losing valuable time and money attempting to sell their own home. What seems like a relatively easy undertaking at first, can become a time-consuming and overwhelming process. We’d like to share with you some of the most significant snags that often occur when selling one’s own home:

1.  Ineffective marketing. Most homeowners simply lack the resources necessary to effectively market their own home. Working with a professional real estate agent, such as a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, however, usually means your home will be marketed to the widest group of potential buyers possible, both through digital and print advertising, virtual tours, and online listing portals.

2.  Mispricing your home. In order to sell your home quickly for the best possible price, pricing your home correctly is critical. This very nuanced process of choosing the right listing price, however, is always best left to a real estate professional. Most who sell their own homes price too high, resulting in their home sitting on the market for an extended period of time. And, unfortunately, the longer a home remains on the market, the less desirable it becomes for buyers.

3.  Missing documentation.
These days, a real estate transaction requires more documentation than ever before. It’s virtually impossible for the average homeowner to be aware of all the forms necessary to complete a real estate deal, and missing paperwork will bring any transaction to a grinding halt.

4.  Overlooking legalities. The risk of overlooking important legalities, such as disclosure and compliance regulations that vary from state to state, is high for most homeowners. The average person is, understandably, not well versed in the many laws that govern the sale and purchase of a property.

5.  Dealing with unqualified buyers. If you accept an offer from an unqualified buyer, you can delay the sale of your home indefinitely. A professional real estate agent will take the necessary steps to work with a lender to ensure a buyer is qualified before accepting their offer.

In most cases, owners end up exhausting more dollars than they would have paid in commission when attempting to sell their own home. If you would like more information on selling your home, please e-mail our team. We also encourage you to forward this email to anyone you know who might be considering taking on the monumental task of selling their own home.


Anthony Crecco & Joanne Ricciardella
Crecco Real Estate
Office: 914-449-6547
Mobile: 914-469-1861



Real Estate  Remodeling  Social Media

Anthony J Crecco

Short Sale and Loan Modification Expert

Thornwood NY  10594


Click here for Today's Top5 News

Your Home Sold Guaranteed or I will Buy it for Cash






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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Clinging to the Core

When Our World Falls Apart

When it feels as if your world is falling apart, know at your core that you are a strong being of light.

There are times when our whole world seems to be falling apart around us, and we are not sure what to hold onto anymore. Sometimes our relationships crumble and sometimes it’s our physical environment. At other times, we can’t put our finger on it, but we feel as if all the walls have fallen down around us and we are standing with nothing to lean on, exposed and vulnerable. These are the times in our lives when we are given an opportunity to see where we have established our sense of identity, safety, and well-being. And while it is perfectly natural and part of our process to locate our sense of self in externals, any time those external factors shift, we have an opportunity to rediscover and move closer to our core, which is the only truly safe place to call home.

The core of our being is not affected by the shifting winds of circumstance or subject to the cycles of change that govern physical reality. It is as steady and consistent as the sun, which is why the great mystics and mystical poets often reference the sun in their odes to the self. Like the sun, there are times when our core seems to be inaccessible to us, but this is just a misperception. We know that when the sun goes behind a cloud or sets for the night, it has not disappeared but is simply temporarily out of sight. In the same way, we can trust that our inner core is always shining brightly, even when we cannot quite see it.

We can cling to this core when things around us are falling apart, knowing that an inexhaustible light shines from within ourselves. Times of external darkness can be a great gift in that they provide an opportunity to remember this inner light that shines regardless of the circumstances of our lives. When our external lives begin to come back together, we are able to lean a bit more lightly on the structures we used to call home, knowing more clearly than ever that our true home is that bright sun shining in our core.When Our World Falls Apart

When it feels as if your world is falling apart, know at your core that you are a strong being of light.

There are times when our whole world seems to be falling apart around us, and we are not sure what to hold onto anymore. Sometimes our relationships crumble and sometimes it’s our physical environment. At other times, we can’t put our finger on it, but we feel as if all the walls have fallen down around us and we are standing with nothing to lean on, exposed and vulnerable. These are the times in our lives when we are given an opportunity to see where we have established our sense of identity, safety, and well-being. And while it is perfectly natural and part of our process to locate our sense of self in externals, any time those external factors shift, we have an opportunity to rediscover and move closer to our core, which is the only truly safe place to call home.

The core of our being is not affected by the shifting winds of circumstance or subject to the cycles of change that govern physical reality. It is as steady and consistent as the sun, which is why the great mystics and mystical poets often reference the sun in their odes to the self. Like the sun, there are times when our core seems to be inaccessible to us, but this is just a misperception. We know that when the sun goes behind a cloud or sets for the night, it has not disappeared but is simply temporarily out of sight. In the same way, we can trust that our inner core is always shining brightly, even when we cannot quite see it.

We can cling to this core when things around us are falling apart, knowing that an inexhaustible light shines from within ourselves. Times of external darkness can be a great gift in that they provide an opportunity to remember this inner light that shines regardless of the circumstances of our lives. When our external lives begin to come back together, we are able to lean a bit more lightly on the structures we used to call home, knowing more clearly than ever that our true home is that bright sun shining in our core.
Anthony Crecco
   The Crecco Companies  


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top 5 Ways to Use a Tax Refund

Thousands of Americans are receiving income tax refunds from the U.S. government, with the IRS reporting an average refund of $2,940 this year. In the current economy, consumers can make strategic choices to make sure that refund pays off for them.

As a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, I, along with my team, am often asked about financial matters, including advice on smart ways to manage income tax returns. According to Freedom Tax Relief (, many tax refund recipients might be thinking of creative ways to spend that cash as the economy starts to recover. But before getting carried away, they suggest thinking more long term.

Freedom Tax Relief suggests the following as the top ways to wisely spend an income tax refund:

1. Pay down credit card and other high-interest debts (including payday loans). Few investments can top the rate of return for eliminating debt. Paying off credit card debt at typical interest rates effectively makes an investment that returns 20 percent or more per year. The only caveat: Be certain you change your mindset as well. If you pay off debts, only to charge up the credit cards or sign for a new car loan a few months later, you have ultimately gained nothing. If credit card debt is your problem, cut up or freeze your credit cards to ensure you do not re-create the same problem you have left behind. Use a debit card for future purchases that require a card.

Ready to pay down your debt? List and pay secured debts first (mortgage, car). Mortgage payments should take absolute priority. Then list unsecured debts (credit cards, loans) in order of highest interest rates. Make minimum payments on all but the highest-rate card. Use every cent of available income to make large payments on the card with the highest rate. When that card is paid off, apply the big payment plus the old minimum payment on the next-highest rate card until it is paid off. Continue until all debt is eliminated.

2. Create an emergency fund. The Great Recession has pointed out the importance of an emergency fund. Those who do not yet have enough readily accessible money set aside to cover several months' worth of expenses should consider a tax refund a prime opportunity to create a fund that ultimately includes 6-9 months' living expenses. These amounts are not necessarily equal to salary. Instead, they should include only what the household would spend if it were in dire straits. House these savings in a money market fund or rolling CDs so that the money earns interest and cannot easily be spent -- but can be accessed in an emergency.

3. Make sure you have adequate insurance. Everyone should have health, auto, and home or renters insurance. If dependents rely on breadwinners' income, look into life insurance. Consider an umbrella policy to protect from additional liability. And if the household could not survive without an income, purchase disability coverage. This is a huge savings step – one trip to the emergency room or one minor accident can easily end up costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket.

4. Fund the future. Contribute to retirement savings, whether an individual or Roth IRA, 401(k) or other plan.

5. Invest in the home. Homeowners might consider using refunds to cover major or minor maintenance to make sure no bigger (and more expensive) problems arise down the road. In addition, these capital improvements can create additional equity in a home.

No matter how big or small the amount, and despite the temptation to celebrate and splurge, make your choice on what to do with any refund carefully, experts say. Take time to make sure your money works for you and helps build wealth.

For more information, e-mail our team , and please forward this email on to anyone you believe will benefit.


Anthony Crecco & Joanne Ricciardella
Crecco Real Estate
Office: 914-449-6547
Mobile: 914-469-1861

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In Search of Depth

A desire to understand more about yourself can put you in a contemplative mood today. Whereas once you might have been satisfied to connect with your feelings, you may now wish to connect with the root of your feelings. Since you are likely feeling meditative and thoughtful, your initial impulse may be to try to take in the whole of your inner landscape at once. Consider, however, that you will likely learn more about yourself by addressing each new aspect of yourself in stages. You may find you can glean a more complete comprehension when you see how your past has shaped your present. Formerly incomprehensible parts of your personality can take on a new rationality today when viewed in light of your experiences.

The simplest method we can employ when attempting to discover our true complexity is focused reflection. It is only when we are willing to look beyond the surface characteristics that we exhibit each day that we can peel back the layers of our personalities to find the innate depth that exists within us. As we become explorers, immersing ourselves in the inner landscapes of our minds, we can begin to explore the uncharted areas of our psyches in order to discover who we truly are. The deeper we delve, the greater our understanding of the forces that shaped our development grows. We then need no longer guess at our intentions because we can clearly see the motives underlying our impulses. As you fearlessly and boldly contemplate your life today, you will discover parts of yourself you never knew existed.

Posted via email from Wisdom For You Today

Important Questions to Ask

Important Questions to Ask an Agent Before Listing Your Home for Sale

  • Do you have an active real estate license in good standing?
  • How long have you been licensed as an agent?
  • Why do you think I should list with you?
  • What professional designations do you hold?
  • What party will you represent -- the buyer or the seller?
  • What services do you offer?
  • Do you belong to an online homebuyer's search service?
  • Have you listed or sold in my neighborhood lately?
  • How will you price my home?
  • How will you market my home?
  • How will you keep in contact with me during the selling process, and how often?
  • What is your fee?
  • Will you cooperate with buyers' brokers?
  • What share of commission will you offer a cooperating broker who finds the buyer?
  • What awards have you won?

Important Questions to Ask Yourself About the Agent

  • Is the agent a good listener?
  • Is the agent accessible?
  • Is the agent part-time or full-time?
  • Is the agent cooperative and enthusiastic, or rude and arrogant?
  • Do you think you can have a good working relationship with the agent?



Real Estate  Remodeling  Social Media

Anthony J Crecco

Short Sale and Loan Modification Expert

Thornwood NY  10594


Click here for Today's Top5 News

Your Home Sold Guaranteed or I will Buy it for Cash






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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rebuilding Your Credit!!

10 Tips to Rebuilding After a Bankruptcy

As a rule of thumb, bankruptcy is the least desirable option available to you when your finances have gotten out of control. However, if your financial situation has been going downhill for an extended period of time, your credit standing is probably so bad that filing for bankruptcy really won’t do much to make it worse, with one exception: A bankruptcy remains on your credit report for 10 long years. With this in mind, creditors will know that once you file bankruptcy, you cannot do so again for seven years.

As a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, I, along with my team, am well versed in some of the ways you—or someone you know—can start to rebuild your financial life after bankruptcy. Here are 10 tips from consumer credit experts

1. Plan your credit recovery. Take it slow and easy, do it right and don’t exceed what you can afford.

2. Learn more about how credit works through the Internet, counseling services or a service. Do it right and know what you’re doing.

3. If your credit report contains inaccuracies about debt that was discharged through your bankruptcy, contact the creditor or the credit bureaus to request a correction.

4. If you didn’t have enough savings to survive a setback, get serious about savings for an emergency fund. In the current economy you need at least 12-16 months.

5. If your problem was overspending, create a written budget and stick to it.

6. If your problem was related to medical bills, seek out a solution for insurance.

7. To re-establish a strong credit profile, you need a good history of payments from credit cards and installment debt such as autos, student loans or a home loan.

8. The rebuilding process requires you to use credit responsibly. Use only a small portion (30% or less) of your available credit line and ensure you make a payment every month.

9. When you start to re-establish your credit, consider a “secure” credit card. Such cards are usually backed by your savings account or money you place in escrow to cover 100% of your credit line in case you don’t pay your payment.

10. You may be able to apply for a home loan in as little as two years after the discharge of your bankruptcy, however, expect to pay higher fees and interest rates.

When you are ready to rebuild, make sure you understand credit and how to use it responsibly. Feel free to e-mail our team for further information and please forward this e-mail to family and friends to keep them in the know as well.


Anthony Crecco & Joanne Ricciardella
Crecco Real Estate
Office: 914-449-6547
Mobile: 914-469-1861
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

For Sale By Owner

Download now or watch on posterous
Video 1.wmv (1615 KB)

Sell Your Own Home and Save Thousands!!!

Posted via email from Wisdom For You Today

Action is Power: Tips for Getting Started

It may be true that knowledge is power, but knowledge without action is not very powerful at all. In fact, it is very common to see talent wasted because no action is taken to produce results. The following are a few tips for taking action, which is perhaps the single biggest key to success, in business and in life.

Don't over-analyze tasks. Sure you need to think things through, but you can over-think them too. If you worry too much about getting it perfect before implementation, you can lose momentum, lose your window of opportunity, or worst of all...never do it at all.

A good strategy is to be sure your idea is ethical and legal. Then, if you think your chances of success are at least 70%, implement your idea. Successful people tend to make decisions quickly and change them slowly, where many unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them quickly. Be a part of the first group and implement your ideas.

Break a large project in to bite-size pieces – your action steps. If a project or plan that you know will improve your business just seems too large or overwhelming, break the plan down into manageable steps. Determine what action needs to be taken first, then go ahead and do it. After all, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And the same concept should apply for large projects.

Don't procrastinate. Easier said than done, right? But the truth is, the longer you wait to do something, the less the chance you will ever do it. Rather than putting it on your endless list of "to-dos," do it right away – right now if possible. You will impress your clients – they will love it! Don't you love it when you are the customer and you get service right away? You may even impress yourself and start getting into the habit of "doing it right now."

Believe in yourself and the power of taking action. Did you ever think of a great idea at night, only to talk yourself out of it in the morning? Worse yet, have others talked you out of it, ultimately denying you your dream? Believe in yourself...take chances...go for it. Sometimes we spend so much time thinking about the task that it becomes daunting. Don't think about it. Go ahead and get started. Just do it!

It doesn't matter how many great ideas you hear or see. It doesn't matter how many great plans you come up with for yourself, your business, or your life. What matters is how many of these ideas, plans and dreams you actually put into action and make a reality. Do you have something that's been on your to-do list for months? Do you have a great idea you've been kicking around? Do you know the next push you need to move forward in your career or your life? Grab it right now – don't wait another day. Take a step, make a decision, put your plans into motion and enjoy the rewarding feeling of having taken action!



Real Estate  Remodeling  Social Media

Anthony J Crecco

Short Sale and Loan Modification Expert

Thornwood NY  10594


Click here for Today's Top5 News

Your Home Sold Guaranteed or I will Buy it for Cash






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Friday, May 14, 2010

9 Steps to a Quick Sale

The 9 Step System To Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar

The Real Estate Market Has Changed . . .

"Buyers are far more discriminating, and a large percentage of the homes listed for sale don't sell the first time. It's more critical than ever to learn what you need to know to avoid costly seller mistakes in order to sell your home fast and for the most amount of money."

Remember not so long ago, when you could make your fortune in real estate. It was nothing then to buy a home, wait a short while, and then sell it at a tidy profit.

And then do it all over again.

Well, as you probably know, times have changed. As good as the market is right now, home prices are still below what they were at their peak. Buyers are far more discriminating, and a large percentage of the homes listed for sale never sell. It's more critical than ever to learn what you need to know to avoid costly seller mistakes in order to sell your home fast and for the most amount of money.

The 7 Deadly Mistakes Most Homesellers Make

  1. Failing to analyze why they are selling.
  2. Not preparing their home for the buyer's eye.
  3. Pricing their homes incorrectly.
  4. Selling too hard during showings.
  5. Signing a long term listing agreement without a written performance guarantee.
  6. Making it difficult for buyers to get information on their home.
  7. Failing to obtain a pre-approved mortgage for ones next home.

The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar

Selling your home is one of the most important steps in your life. This 9 step system will give you the tools you need to maximize your profits, maintain control, and reduce the stress that comes with the homeselling process:

1. Know why you're selling, and keep it to yourself.

The reasons behind your decision to sell affect everything from setting a price to deciding how much time and money to invest in getting your home ready for sale. What's more important to you: the money you walk away with, or the length of time your property is on the market? Different goals will dictate different strategies.

However, don't reveal your motivation to anyone else or they may use it against you at the negotiating table. When asked, simply say that your housing needs have changed.

2. Do your homework before setting a price.

Settling on an offering price shouldn't be done lightly. Once you've set your price, you've told buyers the absolute maximum they have to pay for your home, but pricing too high is as dangerous as pricing too low. Remember that the average buyer is looking at 15-20 homes at the same time they are considering yours. This means that they have a basis of comparison, and if your home doesn't compare favorably with others in the price range you've set, you won't be taken seriously by prospects or agents. As a result, your home will sit on the market for a long time and, knowing this, new buyers on the market will think there must be something wrong with your home.

3. Do your homework.

(In fact, your agent should do this for you). Find out what homes in your own and similar neighborhoods have sold for in the past 6-12 months, and research what current homes are listed for. That's certainly how prospective buyers will assess the worth of your home.

4. Find a good real estate agent to represent your needs.

Nearly three-quarters of homeowners claim that they wouldn't use the same realtor who sold their last home. Dissatisfaction boils down to poor communication which results in not enough feedback, lower pricing and strained relations. Another FREE report entitled 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Agent” gives you the straight, to-the-point questions you should be asking when you interview agents who want to list your home. You can obtain a  FREE copy of this report from my website.

5. Maximize your home's sales potential.

Each year, corporate North America spends billions on product and packaging design. Appearance is critical, and it would be foolish to ignore this when selling your home.

You may not be able to change your home's location or floor plan, but you can do a lot to improve its appearance. The look and feel of your home generates a greater emotional response than any other factor. Clean like you've never cleaned before. Pick up, straighten, unclutter, scrub, scour and dust. Fix everything, no matter how insignificant it may appear. Present your home to get a "wow" response from prospective buyers.

Allow the buyers to imagine themselves living in your home. The decision to buy a home is based on emotion, not logic. Prospective buyers want to try on your home just like they would a new suit of clothes. If you follow them around pointing out improvements or if your decor is so different that it's difficult for a buyer to strip it away in his or her mind, you make it difficult for them to feel comfortable enough to imagine themselves an owner.

6. Make it easy for prospects to get information on your home.

You may be surprised to know that some marketing tools that most agents use to sell homes (eg. traditional open houses) are actually not very effective. In fact only 1% of homes are sold at an open house.

Furthermore, the prospects calling for information on your home probably value their time as much as you do. The last thing they want to be subjected to is either a game of telephone tag with an agent, or an unwanted sales pitch. Make sure the ads your agent places for your home are attached to a 24 hour prerecorded hotline with a specific ID# for your home which gives buyers access to detailed information about your property day or night 7 days a week without having to talk to anyone. It's been proven that 3 times as many buyers call for information on your home under this system. And remember, the more buyers you have competing for your home the better, because it sets up an auction-like atmosphere that puts you in the driver's seat.

7. Know your buyer.

In the negotiation process, your objective is to control the pace and set the duration. What is your buyer's motivation? Does s/he need to move quickly? Does s/he have enough money to pay you your asking price? Knowing this information gives you the upper hand in the negotiation because you know how far you can push to get what you want.

8. Make sure the contract is complete.

For your part as a seller, make sure you disclose everything. Smart sellers proactively go above and beyond the laws to disclose all known defects to their buyers in writing. If the buyer knows about a problem, s/he can't come back with a lawsuit later on.

Make sure all terms, costs and responsibilities are spelled out in the contract of sale, and resist the temptation to diverge from the contract. For example, if the buyer requests a move-in prior to closing, just say no. Now is not the time to take any chances of the deal falling through.

9. Don't move out before you sell.

Studies have shown that it is more difficult to sell a home that is vacant because it looks forlorn, forgotten, simply not appealing. It could even cost you thousands. If you move, you're also telling buyers that you have a new home and are probably highly motivated to sell fast. This, of course, will give them the advantage at the negotiating table.

For more information about any of our innovative homeowners programs, give us a call.



Real Estate  Remodeling  Social Media

Anthony J Crecco

Short Sale and Loan Modification Expert

Thornwood NY  10594


Click here for Today's Top5 News

Your Home Sold Guaranteed or I will Buy it for Cash






You Tube:


Friday, May 7, 2010

Networking Tips


Purpose of Initial Communication: 

Within 60 seconds you must: 
1. Turn suspects into prospects
2. Qualify for interest
3. Set an appointment

Communication Plays:
1. Rapport Play – Who I am
a. Your goal with the rapport play is to: Break the ice, lay the foundation for a relationship,
                   establish professionalism and credibility, and it lets them know who you are.
b. You must execute with confidence, keep it short, and make a connection.
c. Example:  “Hello Mr. Jones, I’m Jordan Wexler with Encino Business Network.
                   You may have heard of us.”
2. Positioning Play – What I do
a. Your goal with the positioning is to: Stake a claim and let them know what you do.
b. You must “claim it or never own it” and state it often.
c. Example:  “I am running the Encino Business Network where we connect thousands
                  of local business professionals together.”

3. Benefit – Why clients like you care
a. You must transition your focus to your prospect where you make an offer of something
                   desirable and compelling.  You must tell them why customers care about your service
                   so they are inspired to meet with you.
b. Remember that all prospects are self-interested so you must present benefits, advantages
                  and features to peak their interest.
c. Make sure that your benefit play covers one of these benefits for your prospects: Profit,
                   Pain Relief, Pleasure, Prestige or Preservation.
d. Example: “We help business professionals receive quality referral leads from consumers
                  and other business professionals while also assisting them in getting ranked on the first
                  page of major search engines.”

4. Proof – Evidence/proof of why you should care
a. You must include proof to back up your benefits to strengthen your credibility and
                   validate any of your claims.  This builds confidence in you as a salesperson, and it
                   shows evidence of the benefit to the consumer.
b. Remember that sales is an honorable profession, so keep it that way.  Integrity leads
                   to repeat business, so the proofs must be true, verifiable and related to stated benefit.
                   Keep the proofs reasonable specific and include any referral names if possible to strengthen your claims.
c. Example: “Many of the business professionals in my network have been ranked on the
                   first page of major search engine in as little as 2 weeks;  and Mr. Hansen,

                   who owns a local painting store, has already received more than $13,000 in referral business from my network.” 

5. Schedule the next event
a. Before going into a more in-depth explanation of your service, try to schedule the next
                   event.  This alleviates frictions in the sales process and it also sets the expectation of
                   moving toward the close.
b. By scheduling the next event, you increase your likelihood of moving forward to a close,
                   and saves time and follow-up work.
c. Example  "I’m confident that my business network will help you grow your business, but
                   I would like to know more about your business so we can identify how my business network can help you increase your bottom line.  Do you have a minute right now,

or can we meet on Wednesday or Thursday at 4:00 pm, whenever is most convenient for you?"

Summary of Initial Communication Play
“Hello Mr. Jones, I’m Jordan Wexler with Encino Business Network. You may have

heard of us.  I am running the Encino Business Network where we connect thousands

of local business professionals together.  We help business professionals receive quality

referral leads from consumers and other business professionals while also assisting

them in getting ranked on the first page of major search engines.  Many of the business

professionals in my network have been ranked on the first page of major search engine

in as little as 2 weeks;  and Mr. Hansen, who owns a local painting store, has already

received more than $13,000 in referral business from my network..  I’m confident that

my business network will help you grow your business, but I would like to know more

about your business so we can identify how my business network can help you increase

your bottom line.  Do you have a minute right now, or can we meet on Wednesday or

Thursday at 4:00 pm, whenever is most convenient for you?”



Real Estate  Remodeling  Social Media

Anthony J Crecco

Short Sale and Loan Modification Expert

Thornwood NY  10594


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